5 Haunted Locations in the U.S. You Need to Visit

By Soren Rivero

Do you pride yourself as someone who seeks adventure, wanting to experience something so thrilling that it will leave your heart racing?

Sounds like you need a good scare! For that, we invite you to explore 5 of the most haunted locations in the United States that'll leave you scared spineless.

1. Weston State Hospital — Weston, West Virginia

Stationed in the far off reaches of Weston, West Virginia, this historic hospital is the resting place for many unfortunate souls, most of which are spread across a total of three cemeteries overlooked by the gaze of this spine-tingling asylum. The original name for this asylum was the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum before changing to Weston State Hospital.

The asylum was used to secure those who were speculated to be extreme dangers to the general public. It was originally built back in 1864, with its first patients being soldiers from the civil war. Overtime, many others were admitted to the hospital, some of which were labeled the most violent and psychotic male patients from all across the nation.

The asylum was shut down in 1994 and is now used as a historic site where visitors can take ghost tours anytime throughout the year!

2. The Stanley Hotel — Estes Park, Colorado

Does that name ring a bell? If you guessed The Shining by Stephen King, you were spot-on. This hotel was the inspiration for The Overlook Hotel in King’s bestselling book-turned-hit-movie after he and his wife stayed over at the Stanley the night before it closed.

The hotel quickly declined in popularity after some reports of it being haunted around the 1970s, when multiple sightings of ghosts were reported over the years. The hotel is now open to visitors for touring in either of two options: a basic tour or a spirited overnight tour.

3. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg has a quite profound stance in U.S. history. It was here where the most grotesque battle in the civil war took place, with thousands of soldiers from both sides falling on politically-stained grass. This is also where Abraham Lincoln gave his famous speech The Gettysburg Address.

Nearly every corner of this city has been known to show some signs of paranormal activity, with visitors and locals reporting sights of ghost soldiers wandering the tainted lands in search for some sense of peace. There are plenty of ghost tours held throughout the town. Visitors can also attend the Gettysburg Museum, the National Military Park, and the Gettysburg Cemetery.

4.The Myrtles Plantation — Francisville, Louisiana

Just right outside the center of Louisiana's heart is the small, historic city of St. Francisville where dozens of plantations are still standing. One of those plantations is the legendary Myrtles Plantation built in 1796 by General Bradford, the leader of the Whiskey Rebellion.

The story behind this plantation’s haunting has been told as a ghost story for ages. Chloe, an enslaved woman, was hung after accidentally putting too much poison in her master’s cake and accidentally killed his wife and daughter. She had intended to only get them sick as a means of revenge for them cutting off her ear, but now, the ghost of Chloe can still be seen haunting the plantation. There’s even a photo that (accidentally) caught her in all her ghastly flesh. No one knows if this is truly her or not, but visitors are more than welcome to figure that out for themselves…

5. Villisca Axe Murder House — Villisca, Iowa

Purchased by Josiah B. Moore in 1903, this house would become one of the most infamous haunted houses after a skin-crawling murder spree that still has investigators wondering what happened.

Moore lived in the house with his wife and four kids, who were often regarded as a picture perfect family. On June 10th, 1912, the family came home after a service at church, joined by two of their eldest daughter’s friends. The next morning, there was complete silence from the house save their horses neighing, which prompted neighbors to investigate. The entire family was discovered dead, with the murderer never found.

The house was reopened in 1994 and has kept its ominous atmosphere. Both daytime and overnight tours are available.

Stop by one of these locations while traveling through the United States, if you dare!