Mykonos, Greece

Manoulas Beach Resort Hotel

4 out of 5 stars
24 Hour-Front Desk
Air-Conditioned Public Areas
Internet Access (Free Wi-Fi, Dial-Up)
Luggage Storage

Magnificent views and a warm welcome

Envelop yourself in serenity and hospitality at Manoulas Beach Mykonos Resort Hotel. The traditional architecture and classic Greek hospitality will transport you to a tranquil state of mind in no time. The stylish property and guestrooms guarantee guests a comfortable stay with spacious accommodations and convenient amenities. The property features a large seawater swimming pool as well as a pool snack bar and a highly trained staff that is available to answer questions and provide information on a 24-hour basis. Frequent public bus service runs to and from Mykonos town in front of the hotel. 

Manoulas Beach Resort Hotel

Main Street
Agios Ioannis
846 00, Mykonos, Greece

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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