Reykjavik, Iceland

Hotel Cabin

3 out of 5 stars
24 Hour-Front Desk
Internet Access (Free Wi-Fi, Dial-Up)
Safe-Deposit Box at the Front Desk

Contemporary comfort in Reykjavik

Escape the bustle of the city in this comfortable, contemporary hotel. Recently renovated, Hotel Cabin now boasts 252 rooms, a cocktail bar, a salad bar, conference spaces, and more.

Check in with the hotel's friendly reception team, then head up to your cozy room. Take a nap in your comfortable bed, catch up on some TV, and use the hotel's free WiFi to say hello to family and friends. 

After exploring Reykjavik, make your way back to Hotel Cabin and enjoy a light, healthy, and delicious meal at the extensive salad bar. Be sure to unwind with a drink from the bar before heading up to bed.

Hotel Cabin

Borgartún 32
105 Reykjavík
Reykjavik, Iceland

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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