Antigua, Guatemala

Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo

3 out of 5 stars
Internet Access (Free Wi-Fi, Dial-Up)
24 Hour-Front Desk

Entertaining family-run hotel near Panajachel

Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo is a family-run hotel on the beautiful shores of Lake Atitlán. The hotel has 39 rooms, each with Wi-Fi, cable TV, and a private bathroom with included toiletries. Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo offers entertainment for the whole family with an outdoor pool, a kids’ play area, and a sauna. The hotel’s location, in the heart of Panajachel and next to the Lacustre de Atitlan Museum, is great for visitors who want to explore the area. The on-site Restaurante Las Espadas serves local and international cuisine.

Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo

Posada de Don Rodrigo Panajachel Final Calle Santander, Panajachel Sololá
x, Antigua, Guatemala

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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