How to Order Coffee in Greece (a Tutorial)

By Sarah A. Lybrand

One not-to-be-missed experience in Greece is sitting for 'ena kafe'. Coffee is a big deal in Greece and, as in other parts of the world, the Greeks are fond of a version all their own.

1. Try this unique, strong brew

Greek coffee (Ellinikos kafes) is in a style prepared using very finely ground coffee beans, and no filtering. The powdery grounds are mixed with hot water and heated with sugar if so desired (see below), in a tall, narrow pot called a briki.

The coffee is then poured for you with the grounds still in it, which are left to settle in your cup, 4-5 minutes. Then, you sip the foamy brew on top.

Traditionally, the coffee is served black with a glass of water to drink alongside it, as it's pretty strong.

2. Order (in Greek!)

Sure, you could order your coffee in English. Any Barista under 40 will probably understand you if you do. However, the Greeks love when visitors make an effort to speak their language, so, as they say, when in Athens...

So to order a coffee in Greek, you’d say to your server:

Ena kafe, parakalo

"One coffee, please"

3. Include any companions

Brikis come in various sizes (depending on how many coffees are being poured), which in turn creates just the right amount of foam. Therefore, if you know you’re sitting down for coffee with friends — who generally enjoy the same level of sweetness — order for the total number drinking.

4. Choose your level of sweet

Greek coffee is prepared according to preference — and there are four main types. Each is a different ratio of sugar to coffee (so experiment and try a few different levels to see which suits your tastes). Because there’s not a whole lot more to it — your main concern now is indicating how sugary you want your caffeine:




“Somewhat sweet”




“Very sweet”

Kafe me gala

“Coffee with milk” (not common)


“Instant / Nescafe”

5. Linger, visit, repeat

Coffee is a leisurely affair that can last for hours in Greece. So to do Greek Coffee right — you’ll have to kick back, relax, be among friends, and let the conversation take you away.

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