The 12 Best Foods to Eat in Barbados

By Dana Perkiss

Barbados is famous for its beautiful beaches and iconic rum, but the food in Barbados is equally as impressive and shouldn’t be missed.

With flavors inspired by a melting pot of different cultures – particularly India and Africa – Barbados food is fantastically rich in diversity with a tropical flare. From fresh seafood delicacies to decadent sweet treats, here are some of the best foods to eat when you travel to Barbados!

Flying Fish

It’s no surprise that seafood is a staple on the island, but when you travel to Barbados, you must try their national dish: Flying Fish.

You can find this iconic Barbados dish pretty much anywhere on the island, whether it be steamed, baked, fried, or even pickled. Seasoning of the fish may differ, and you’ll often find it paired with a side of cou cou – a traditional side dish that features okra boiled in water with cornmeal added in.

Fish Cakes

We promise, you’ve never had a fish cake quite like a Barbados fishcake. A delicacy in the Caribbean, these fish cakes are typically made with shredded salted cod or white fish, flour, and an assortment of herbs. They come out to be pillowy, golden brown delicious delights that can be enjoyed with pepper sauce, ranch, barbecue sauce, or whatever else tickles your taste buds.

You can even do as some locals do and make a “bread and two” sandwich consisting of two fishcakes bundled in a bread roll – yum!

Pudding and Souse

Another staple food in Barbados is Pudding and Souse, though don’t let the name fool you – the “pudding” is actually steamed sweet potatoes mixed with onions, pepper, and salt! There is also Black Pudding, which is made from sweet potatoes, brown sugar, some coloring, and spices.

Now the Souse, which is a pickled pork dish (though can be made with chicken or beef), which the pudding is stuffed into. Though this dish may resemble a colorful dessert, it’s a rather savory meal that can be found all throughout Barbados!

Chicken Feet

It may not be the most beloved part of the chicken throughout the world, but when you travel to Barbados, you should definitely try some chicken feet!

The meat is boiled in salt water and served with a hearty serving of fresh pickle juice, cucumbers, lemon juice, scotch bonnet peppers, and a touch of salt. This savory dish is a zesty Barbados delicacy that shouldn’t be missed.

Sea Eggs

Experience a truly unique Caribbean flavor by trying Sea Eggs on your trip to Barbados!

Sea Eggs are actually a kind of Sea Urchin that are typically eaten raw with a pinch of lemon to liven the flavor, similar to shrimp. It’s a deliciously smooth, silky dish that is also the perfect accompaniment of some rice.

Salt Bread

Yes, it’s actually what you’re imagining – deliciously baked, warm, salted pieces of bread that are perfect as dinner rolls or sandwiches. These pillowy delights are simply made with water, yeast, salt (obviously), and a small amount of sugar.

If you want a salt bread sandwich, then what you’re looking for is a “cutter”, which is simply a sandwich made with salt bread and fillings of your choice.

Guava Cheese

Don’t let the name fool you – this delectable sweet treat is nothing like cheese.

Though it may resemble something like cranberry fudge, this dish is made with guava pulp, lime juice, and sugar. When you travel to Barbados, you’ll find that guava cheese is cut into tiny squares and extra sweet. It’s perfect on its own, but you can add it to salt bread for extra decadence!


Starchier than most fruits (hence the name), breadfruit is a heavy treat that can be boiled, baked, or roasted over an open flame. There are tons of ways you can eat breadfruit, whether it be chips, fries, or smothered in cheese, pulled pork, or any other topping!


This beloved Barbados fruit is very sweet and boasts a mixed fruity taste, though it’s very similar to papaya. It’s super high in antioxidants and vitamins, and has one of the highest protein levels of any fruit – not to mention it’s naturally gluten free. You can find this sweet fruit sold at local fruit markets throughout Barbados

Sweet Bread

An absolute staple in most Bajan homes, sweet bread (also called Bajan coconut bread), is a delectable crispy treat that can be enjoyed at any time.

This iconic baked dish is filled with vanilla, coconut, and cinnamon to harness the sweet flavors. Sometimes you’ll find it stuffed with things like raisins and cherries, but however you try it, you’re sure to want more.


If you’re looking for the perfect Caribbean-style burrito, then you must try roti!

A staple throughout the Caribbean, roti is simply unleavened flatbread that can be filled with, well, anything! From chicken, curried potatoes, vegetables, cheese, and more, you can enjoy roti however you wish, and it’s the perfect on-the-go snack or meal.


A starchy shrug that’s loved throughout the Caribbean and West Indies, Cassava can be eaten in many ways – cassava bread, cassava cake, cassava pone – there are countless ways to eat it!

Cassava Pone is definitely a Barbados favorite though, which is made with frozen cassava, coconut, sweet potato, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Almost like a cake-pudding mix, this yummy treat is sure to satisfy your taste buds!

Which dish are you most excited to try on your trip to Barbados?