Travel to Verona in Italy

Travel to Verona in Italy and see where Shakespeare based his famous play, "Romeo and Juliet."

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Verona: Shakespeare's favorite city in Italy

Verona is the setting of three of Shakespeare's plays: Romeo and Juliet, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and The Taming of the Shrew. Each year, visitors make their way to Casa di Giuleta, the house with the balcony where Juliette was lovingly entranced by Romeo. While this is a fictional house, it symbolizes the immense joy that Shakespeare's plays have provided readers all over the world. Stroll over the Ponte Pietra Bridge on a walking tour and admire the Roman arches built across the Adige River two thousand years ago.

The Roman Arena in Verona

A magnificent entertainment arena in Verona

Built in AD 30, the Roman arena in Verona showcases the power of the Roman Empire. For centuries, performances have been held in the Roman Arena with a capacity of 30,000 people. It is remarkably well-preserved and definitely worthy of a tour when traveling to Verona.

The Terracotta Rooftops of Verona

What strikes the eye when traveling to Verona is the sea of terracotta rooftops. The Torre dei Lamberti is the tallest of the towers in the city. Work started on it in the 12th-century, and it is now 275 feet tall with uninterrupted views over the terracotta rooftops, Adige, and several stately courtyards. You may choose to walk the 350 steps or catch the elevator to the viewing area for a panoramic view of Verona.

Visit the Castlevecchio in Verona

As you walk around Verona, you'll be drawn to the Castelvecchio, a riverside castle used to defend Verona from armies invading from the North. A must visit in Verona is the museum inside with a wide collection of archaeology and art. For a bite to eat, walk to the old town to Piazza San Zeno and enjoy local produce, Italian meats, pasta and pizza.

Enjoy your travels to Verona on a expertly designed vacation.

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