Arenal, Costa Rica

San Bosco Hotel

3 out of 5 stars
Airport Transport*
Currency Exchanges
Dry Cleaning/​Laundry Service*
Spa Services

Comfortable hotel near the Arenal Volcano!

Conveniently located for sightseeing the Arenal Volcano, Kalambu Hot Springs and La Fortuna Waterfall, San Bosco Hotel is the perfect spot for all travelers. The property features a restaurant, pool, rooftop terrace, and comfortable rooms. Guests will feel at home with rooms equipped with televisions, coffee makers, and free WiFi. 

San Bosco Hotel

100mts north of Banco Nacional, Provincia de Alajuela
Arenal, Costa Rica

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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