Bruges, Belgium

Hotel NH Brugge

4 out of 5 stars
24 Hour-Front Desk
Internet Access (Free Wi-Fi, Dial-Up)
Wheelchair Accessible

Excellent location

The NH Brugge Hotel couldn’t be better placed to get you acquainted with Bruges – a UNESCO World Heritage site known as the ‘Venice of the North’. From the hotel, it’s around 10 minutes’ walk to the center’s canals, cobbled streets, and Medieval sights. The hotel is a former monastery from the 17th century and is now a classified building. Inside, there is a homey bar for drinks, a restaurant that serves French cuisine, and a gym that’s open daily.

Hotel NH Brugge

Boeveriestraat 2
8000, Bruges, Belgium
See all packages that include Hotel NH Brugge

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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