Evora, Portugal

Hotel M’Ar de Ar Muralhas

4 out of 5 stars
24 Hour-Front Desk
Airport Transport*
Business Services
Childcare/​Babysitting Services*

Hotel located in the heart of historic Evora

Welcome to Evora and Hotel M’Ar de Ar Muralhas! Located in the Alentajo region of Portugal, this hotel offers fantastic amenities that will help you create memories for years to come! Enjoy free WiFi, air-conditioning, and complimentary toiletries in every room. The onsite restaurant, Sabores do Alentejo, offers a taste of the flavors particular to this region. Unwind by the pool, relax at the spa, or soak up the sights of this historic part of the city! Evora's historic city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so there is plenty to do and see!

Hotel M’Ar de Ar Muralhas

Travessa da Palmeira, 4/6
7000-546, Evora, Portugal

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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